Chappaqua Limousine®


EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/2025 

Please refer to our Vehicles & Staff   page to see what we do for your safety and our company's policy for your safe trip. 

As of March 01, 2022 we lifted all restrictions in our vehicles.

As of May 1st. 2020, if wearing a mask requested by LOCAL, STATE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, no cloth masks and/or masks with exhaling vents are allowed in our vehicles. 3 layers masks are match our minimum standards.

Masks could be provided at
free of charge at the pick up location if company notified by client at the time of reservation. 

As of November 1st, 2021, if requested by LOCAL, STATE AND/OR FEDERAL Government authorities, we will not be able to accept riders in our vehicles without proof of vaccination by listed authorities.

As of November 1st, 2021  we start creating list of countries of we stop servicing for passengers if flying from or stopped/transferred from/at countries below.

Current list (*) shows following top locations based on "Last 7 Days/1M Population" ratio goes over 7K:

As of April 1st, 2022 we removed all airport pickup restrictions from all countries listed here!

Countries in the list updated frequently.

Current list of countries postedon:

LAST UPDATE 01/01/2025

For further information follow the links below:

World Health Organization - WHO

US Department of Health & Human Services - HHS

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC

European Commission Public Health

EU Digital Covid Certificate

New York State Department of Health

Connecticut Department of Public Health - CTDPH

Department of Health for the State of New Jersey - NJDOH

Pennsylvania Department of Health - PADOH

For travel advisories, please follow the link below:

US Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs

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