Chappaqua Limousine®

Our Social Responsibilities...


When new ownership took over the company as of end of 2019, new management started to plan on certain strategies to improve our services and able to serve more communities. While we were working on those issues, idea of "giving back" was most discussed topic. As of beginning of 2020 we started couple of demo projects to see if they were right choices... 
All of our offers, services, and help etc. to individuals and families will be kept private and will never be disclosed in the future.  

1- Hospital Visits

If you have to visit your loved ones at the hospitals or you have to see your doctors frequently due to unexpected conditions, we are here to help. Depending on usage of our services prior to date, we are almost certain that you may fit in one of the offers we will have for you. (*)

2- Loosing Someone

At the most devastating time like loosing someone, we may be there to support you. Please get in touch with us to see what we can do for you

3- Planting Trees and Protecting Forests 

While some regulations and concerns hold us to donate international organizations, we are helping from our individual accounts to organizations that help planting trees and protecting environment... Up to date we planted hundreds of trees in most needed areas. As a company policy we can not disclose independent donations made by company members without donor's consent and we can not accept or direct any donations.

4- Human Rights

We donate to EU based Human Rights Organizations which operates internationally. Our President Jack Aydogdu is a member of one of the international organizations since 2002. Same as donations for foresting, we leave it to our management and workers to choose the organizations to donate. As a company policy we cannot disclose independent donations made by company members without donor's consent and we cannot accept or direct or point your donations to any organization(s)

5- 9/11 Memorial Service in NYC

We always support families who lost their loved ones at the unthinkable series of attacks took place on our soil on 09/11/2001. We welcome to families who suffered 9/11 by losing someone, to get in touch with us. (**)

6- Gifts

You can easily arrange the trip who needs it around you or we can refer you to the waiting list at your choice. Please get in touch with us for further details. 

Some notes...

(*) Based on usage, availability and first come first serve rule applies to reservations.
(**) Immediate family members only. Based on usage, availability and first come first serve rule applies to reservations.
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